Official statement of Carrasco on leaving Atletico

Diego Carrasquillo has left Atletico to join the New York Red Bulls. The Spanish goalkeeper made the decision to leave the club that he has loved for more than 10 years.
The Spanish club has been in crisis for a long time, and it is now clear that the situation will not improve in the near future. The Red Bulls are in a bad way, and they are not the team that can compete with the leaders of the MLS.
In the summer, the club did not make any significant transfers, and the situation worsened. The team is now in a difficult situation, and there is no doubt that it will not be able to compete for the champion title.
However, the situation in the club is not the only problem. The club is in a terrible financial situation, which is reflected in the fact that the team does not have a decent budget.

The situation of the club worsened even more after the departure of Carraquillo, because the goalkeeper is a key player of the team. The goalkeeper has been playing for the Red Bulls for 10 years, and he has become a real legend of the New Yorker.
It is now extremely difficult to find a replacement for him, and that is why the situation of Atletico is so bad. The situation of Diego Simeone’s team is not good, and this is reflected by the fact, that the club does not win any trophies.
Atletico is a very good club, and its fans are very passionate. The fans of the Spanish team are very demanding, and if the situation with the club continues to worsen, then the fans will not have any hope for the future.
You can always follow the latest news on the situation at the club on the website of sports statistics.
Soccer scores of the season 2019/2020
The season of the European Championships is in full swing, and many teams are fighting for gold medals. The main favorites of the tournament are:
* Barcelona;
* Liverpool;
* Manchester City.
All the teams have a good chance to win the title, but the fight for the trophy will not end there.
Now, it is much easier to follow the soccer scores of competitions from around the world. You can do this on the sports statistics website. Here, you will find only reliable information, which will help you to become a true expert in the field of your favorite sport.
Main favorites of Euro 2020
The tournament of the elite cups is in its third year, and already in the first rounds it became obvious that the main favorites are: Barcelona, Liverpool, and Manchester City, who have already won the Champions League and the English Premier League.
Barcelona is the main favorite of the competition, and you can always find the soccer score of the game on the site of sports analytics. The Catalans are a team of professionals, and their coach, Guardiola, is one of the best in the world today.
Liverpool is another team that is considered a favorite of this tournament. The Merseysiders have already shown that they are able to fight for gold.
Manchester City is another strong team that has already won several trophies. The Citizens have a lot of advantages over their rivals, and now they are the main contenders for the title. The English Premier league is not as strong as the Champions league, but it is a real struggle for gold, and all the teams are trying to get into the top 4.
If you want to follow soccer scores, you should visit the site that provides only reliable data. The information here is updated in real time, which allows you to be the first to learn about the latest results of the matches of your favorites.
Latest news on football matches
The football season is in the middle of its course, and dozens of matches are held every day. It is now much easier and more convenient to follow football news on our website.
Among the main teams that are fighting to get to the top of the standings, there are only a few that have a chance to compete with their main rivals. The following teams are the most likely to win gold medals:
1. Barcelona; 2. Liverpool; 3. Manchester City; 4. Bayern.
These teams have already demonstrated that they can compete for gold cups. The only thing that will be a real problem for them is the fact of not having enough points.
We will see how the season will end, and we will see whether the teams will be able win the trophy.
Live football scores on the reliable resource
Now it is very convenient to watch the live football scores. You just need to go to the site, where all the latest information is available.
This year, the main tournament of Europe is the European Championship. The tournament is held every four years, which means that it is extremely important to follow its results.
There are a lot interesting tournaments that are held in the year, so it is really important to have the latest data on them.
Here, you can find only the verified information, and here you will also find the live soccer scores.
Teams that are in the fight of the title
The main contenders of the champion titles are: Manchester City and Liverpool. The teams have been fighting for the gold cups for a very long time.

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